Writing Center

Writing Center Resources

Writing Center

The Writing Center is available for students on a walk-in basis during our regular hours. Tutors provide one-on-one sessions to assist students in a wide range of writing assignments, from brainstorming to final drafts.

As tutors, we are here to help you become a more independent writer, not to change the text into a "perfect" piece of writing.

We ask you to...

  • Bring in your assignment sheet
  • Come in with your assignment typed up
  • Be ready to make the changes yourself
  • Give yourself enough time to make changes-don't come in an hour before it's due!
  • Have a positive attitude and be ready to improve!

We will...

  • Spend 20-30 minutes with you individually
  • Read part or all of your assignment and show you how you can improve
  • Have you make the changes
  • Encourage you to think critically about your writing
  • Provide handouts

We will not...

  • Proofread or "correct" your writing
  • Force you to make changes. It is your paper; you decide

Our goal is for the student, at the end of the session, to feel more knowledgeable and confident in his or her writing. To encourage this, we ask the writer to make corrections, offer suggestions and express problems with his or her writing through-out the session. The writing tutor strives to become a tool in the writer's composing process.