College Closed January 22nd
The college is closed for business January 22nd. All campuses including the museum are closed. All classes (regardless of teaching and learning modality: face-to-face virtual or hybrid/blended) and college activities are canceled for the morning afternoon and evening. Employees need not report unless instructed by their supervisor.

Frequently Asked Questions About Blended and Online Courses


What is a blended course?

A blended course (we used to call them hybrid) combines face to face classroom instruction with online activities that take place in Canvas, our course management system.

Do I have to go to class?

Yes – blended classes meet in class for 50% of the total course hours (the other half of your activities will occur online in Canvas).

Do I need my own computer for a blended class?

Although it makes your access to Canvas a little easier, you do not need your own computer if you are able to come to the student computer lab either on the Texas Township or Arcadia Commons campuses to complete the online activities.

How do I get into Canvas to access course materials?

To enter a Canvas course, you must be a registered student in the course and your instructor must turn on student access. If your instructor does not use Canvas, you will not see the course. Use your MyValley username and password to login to Canvas.


How does an online course work?

At KVCC, an online class means that 100% of your coursework is completed online and that you will not be required to attend scheduled classes on campus.

Where and how do I take my tests?

Tests may be online or print-based. In addition, some instructors allow you to take the test from any location while other instructors require that tests be taken in an approved proctored setting. If you are located in Michigan, you can arrange with the instructor to take your test at any of the Michigan community college testing centers – including KVCC's testing center. If you are out of state, you will be responsible for arranging a proctored testing location suitable to course requirements and instructor approval.

Do I need my own computer for an online class?

We strongly recommend that you have access to your own computer with internet access in order to take full advantage of an online course; however, there are computers available in the student computer labs on the Texas Township and Arcadia Commons campuses.

How do I get into Canvas?

To enter a Canvas course, you must be a registered student in the course and your instructor must turn on student access. If your instructor does not use Canvas, you will not see the course. Use your MyValley username and password to login to Canvas.