Frequently Asked Questions - Learning Tools Interoperability

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Why do LTIs need approval?

LTIs are not owned, managed, or maintained by KVCC or Instructure (the Canvas vendor). No two LTIs are built the same way, so there are a variety of concerns related to installing new, third-party software in Canvas.

The goal of the approval process is to address all concerns transparently and equitably to protect students and instructors.

  • FERPA, Privacy, and Security: LTIs may send sensitive information to a third party, (such as grades, names, and other data protected by federal law) so the vendor must adequately protect student data.
  • IT Setup and Support: Canvas app integration and use is often a longer and more involved process than vendors advertise. In addition, LTI code is written and maintained entirely by the vendor (not KVCC or Instructure), and there is no guarantee that it will perform reliably. In the past, LTI breakdowns have put too much strain on our small IT and FSC departments, wreaked havoc on students/instructors, and even caused whole Canvas crashes.
  • Cost, Copyright, and Licensing Agreements: Does the LTI incur a cost to the school, department, or individual students? Who retains ownership of your class content and student work? How can the vendor use the data they collect?
  • Minimum technology requirements: What are the minimum hardware and software requirements for students to use the LTI? Will IT need to individually help students download an app? Can the app run from a browser, Chromebook, Mac, or iPad?
  • Accessibility: Under the ADA, Section 504, and KVCC Web Accessibility Policy, the institution and its faculty are responsible for the accessibility of online content and tools used in courses, including those created by a third party.

How long does it take to get approval?

Think of LTIs like fingerprints: no two are the same. Therefore, the time frame to get approval depends on how complex the integration is, when the committee can meet, and the amount of risk that the LTI introduces into Canvas. In general, the process may take from several weeks to several months to complete. For more information, visit the Approval Process page.

What kinds of third-party tools DO NOT need approval before I can use them in my classes?

As a rule of thumb: if Canvas lets you do it, you’re fine. You do not need LTI approval for:

  • Posting links and External URLs in your Canvas course to third-party tools and websites, or asking students to create their own accounts on third-party websites. Something is not considered an “LTI” unless the app directly integrates with Canvas. (Although keep in mind that you may still be responsible for the accessibility and FERPA compliance of the third-party tools you ask students to use. Contact the FSC with questions or concerns.)
  • Apps already on the approved list. Even if you’re using an app for the first time, approval for a “new LTI” in this case means “new to KVCC’s instance of Canvas” and not “new to your class”.

What does LTI mean?

LTI stands for Learning Tool Interoperability. It is a standard protocol used to connect third-party apps with Canvas and send information about classes, students, grades, etc.

Why do I need my dean's signature?

Installing an LTI essentially changes Canvas for everyone. Your dean should be aware of your need for additional Canvas tools within their departments, particularly if there is a cost involved. They may also be able to offer alternatives that could meet your needs.

Which LTI apps are currently approved?

See our list of approved LTI apps.

How do I track the status of my LTI request?

See our LTI status page.

Who approves/denies requests, and what criteria do they use?

TThe LMS Steering Committee--which includes faculty, IT Department, Deans, and Faculty Success Center--together evaluate the LTI request and vendor responses based on this rubric. Read about the evaluation process here.

I have more questions or feedback.

Absolutely! Fill out this feedback form with any questions, concern, or feedback. We will use your input to help us improve our website and/or approval process.