LTI Request Status - Learning Tools Interoperability

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LTI Request Status

Table of Contents

The Approval Process

To protect students and faculty, KVCC conducts software tests, as well as security and legal reviews, before we can approve new apps and make them available in Canvas.

Overview of steps in the LTI request process Overview of steps in the LTI request process
  1. Requested: The Canvas LTI Request Form and Vendor Checklist are completed and signed by the faculty member, dean, and vendor. Completed forms are sent to the Faculty Success Center.
  2. In Progress: The FSC will distribute documents to members of the LMS Steering Committee (made up of the FSC, IT department, and faculty members), who will use them to fill out this Rubric of criteria for LTI approval. Additional information may be sought out from the faculty member, vendor, or other departments (such as the Bookstore, Libraries, or Admissions).
  3. The LMS steering committee will meet, discuss the application, and make a decision. The decision + rubric will be posted publicly on the LTI Status Page, and the faculty member will be contacted with next steps.
    1. Approved: The LTI will be installed and tested in Canvas. This process can take several days or several weeks, depending on workload and complexity of the LTI.
    2. In Pilot: Based on the committee’s recommendation, a pilot phase may be necessary. The LTI may be installed in certain Canvas classes, but not others. The details and length of the pilot phase will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
    3. On-Hold: The LTI will be added to the “On Hold” list, along with the reason it was not approved. LTIs on hold may be reconsidered at a later date if the reasons for its denial are properly resolved.
  4. Available: Once the LTI is installed and tested, it will be added to the Available Apps list, along with a short description of what it does and other notes.

Available Apps

The LTIs below have been installed and are available for use in Canvas.

Please note that LTIs are subject to continual updates and changes from the vendor, and an approved LTI may be considered for removal if it is shown to cause unacceptable harm to students.

If you are using an LTI that is not on this list, please contact us.

Approvals In Progress

The apps on this list have been requested and are currently in progress.

Apps On Hold

The following LTIs have been evaluated and cannot be approved in their current form due to the reasons listed in this table.