KVAAP: At a Glance


Kalamazoo Valley Accelerated Associate Program

KVAAP at a Glance

The Kalamazoo Valley Accelerated Associate Program (KVAAP) at Kalamazoo Valley Community College launched in 2018. Since its inception, 95 students have graduated* from the program, with their first Associate degree.

3-year graduation rates: 2018 cohort: 56%, 2019 cohort: 44%, 2020 cohort: 55%

According to Community College Review, the national 3-year graduation rate at community colleges is 22%. As you can see, our program more than doubled that with its first three cohorts.

Not only are our students graduating, but they are saving. Community College Review estimates that, as of 2023, the national average of student debt for a community college student is $13,099. KVAAP covers tuition, textbooks, supplies, and materials for its students, allowing them to get their first Associate degree without incurring debt.