Faculty Success Center

Faculty Success Center

iPad in the Classroom

chemical kim Kim "Chemical Kim" deClerq

I am known as Chemical Kim a Chemistry Instructor at Kalamazoo Valley Community College in Kalamazoo, Michigan. I offer a science outreach to motivate kids and adults to investigate their world and experiment. Part of my outreach involves being the resident scientist on ABC affiliate WZZM 13 Take Five & Company in Grand Rapids, Michigan, featured biweekly on Fridays. I presents a blend of smart and entertaining science concepts with included hands-on activities for kids of all ages. Every segment features me teaching a show host how to do science activities. The science segment provides students with fun activities and the confidence to investigate science at home or in school. I also present hands-on science at area schools and organizations through classroom and school assemblies.


  • Educator of Science and Math at both High School and College level.
  • Bachelor of Science from Michigan Technological University
  • Secondary Education Certification from Michigan Technological University
  • Masters Degree in Chemistry from Central Michigan University

Our illustrious and industrious Chemistry instructor, Kim deClerq (Chemical Kim) has provided us with many resources for using the iPad in the classroom. She has provided the specifications for use of the iPad here at KVCC.

Please see her blog: http://chemicalkim.wordpress.com/