Faculty Success Center

Faculty Success Center


jake arndt

Jake Arndt

I started using Prezi about five years ago after a student showed it to me one day after class. I’ve been hooked ever since. My primary usage of the program is to augment lectures with interactive videos and activities facilitated through Prezi. The program makes it incredibly easy to integrate clips from YouTube, movies, television shows and to customize the theme of a presentation in a way that is inviting to even the newest of users.

Another aspect about Prezi that I really enjoy is the templates provided to users from both Prezi and the Prezi community. There are thousands of templates that users can download and use within minutes of viewing them. It makes creating a presentation an enjoyable process and really makes me think of new and creative ways to discuss content.

I’ve been converting my PowerPoint lectures over to Prezi and while the process has been slow, there have been tremendous benefits to doing so. I have students ask me every semester about what Prezi is and how they can create something similar for their own presentations in the future. I would highly recommend the product to any person wanting to add an additional layer of creativity to their presentations.